Sunday, March 25, 2012

Written Therapy

Hi, my name is Berenice Barajas-Brand, I am a mother, a Marine Corps wife, and woman.  There are many things that I am.  Most recently I have been though so many changes and I have come to understand that I am many things.  I want to start this blog for me to try to understand who I really am.  There are a few things that I know I am...I am a mom, I love my son.  He is my greatest gift and the best thing that I have ever done. For Liam I have come to see many things about who I am, how weak, and even hoe strong I can be.  It's amazing how such a little person can change so much about who you are. Second I am I proud Marine Corps wife.  My husband Clayton is a great father and and husband.  With him I have come to realize just how strong I can be.  How I can fight with the greatest determination and still be as weak as to break.  That I can be both.  It's a hard thing to realize this.  To know that you're not the person or wife that you once thought you were.  To know that you fall short, and that even in those moments you are still loved by the man who calls you "babe".  With this life that I have been given, I have see that my short coming are more than I would have ever thought them to be.  I guess this blog is my way of trying to understand it all.